Teen Camp

June 22-26, 2020

$250 (by May 30)

$275 (starting June 1)

Abdel Judeh

Abdel Judeh

Guest Speaker

Bro. Judeh was saved as a teenager through the bus ministry at a Baptist church in northern Illinois. He graduated from Hyles-Anderson College in 2001. He served as a youth pastor for 13 years at Landmark Baptist Church in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Bro. Judeh is currently the youth director at the First Baptist Church of Hammond.

Bro. Judeh was married in July 2001 to his wife Minda, and they have three children: Alana, Adam, and Derek. In the last several years the Lord has seen fit to allow Bro. Judeh to travel the country preaching in camps and youth conferences. It is evident to anyone that meets Bro. Judeh that he loves the Lord, he loves teenagers, and he has an intense passion to see young people serve God.

Camp Information

Dress Code

Men – All clothing is to be modest. Long pants and collared shirt are appropriate for the evening services. Long athletic pants or knee-length shorts are permitted for competitions. No tank tops will be permitted. No earrings, necklaces, or bracelets may be worn. Knee-length swim trunks and dark t-shirts are permitted for swimming events.

Women – All clothing is to be modest. Knee-length skirts or dresses are appropriate for the evening services. Loose fitting, knee-length skirts or culottes are permitted for competitions. No pants, shorts, or sleeveless shirts are to be worn. Short or tight skirts are not allowed. For swimming, culottes and a dark t-shirt may be worn.

What to Bring

  • Bible
  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • Towels
  • Toiletries
  • Jacket
  • Plenty of clothing
  • Camera
  • Flashlight
  • Spending money
  • A Great Attitude!

Camp Policies

  • No alcoholic beverages, tobacco in any form, weapons of any kind, magazines or playing cards.
  • No cell phones, video games, CD/DVD players, or electronic devices of any kind.
  • No physical contact allowed between male and female campers.
  • No clothing or accessories with inappropriate advertising.


This year we have enabled camp registrations to be filled out and submitted online.  Being that our camp strictly regulates that all campers come as a part of a local church, online registrations will be coordinated with the church selected during the registration process.  As in the past, registration costs will still be paid through the church.  

Online registration is not required.  Registration forms may be downloaded via the button below.  Completed forms should be given to the church group leader to collect and submit to NEBTC.